Dr. Burgdorf Wins 2014 Most Compassionate Doctor Award
What a great lunchtime surprise today for us here at MCPS - we found out that Dr. Mike has won another award! Here are the details we just got straight from Vitals.com…“While most doctors receive positive feedback from their patients, only a few meet...
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The Six Best Skin Products For 20 Somethings
GET CLEANYou've had a long, late night and the last thing you want to do is wash your face before bed. But think about this: those layers of makeup can not only lead to breakouts, they can cause premature lines and wrinkles by trapping skin aging free radicals underneath a...
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Dr. Burgdorf Wins 2014 Doctors Choice Award
The reviews are in and the doctors have spoken! CONGRATS to the man who runs the show here at Music City Plastic Surgery - our very own Dr. Mike Burgdorf. The good doctor has won the 2014 Doctors Choice Award in Plastic Surgery – not only for ...
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Seven Ways to Get Holiday “Photo Ready” Skin
If you are like us, you have a calendar full of Christmas Parties and New Year's Eve shenanigans that your skin has to be looking fabulous for! Our Nashville Plastic Surgery aesthetic team has put together a list of at home remedies, medical treatments, and medica...
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What We Can Learn From Renee Zellweger’s Plastic Surgery
By now we're sure you’ve seen or heard about Renee Zellweger’s plastic surgery. With all the media frenzy surrounding the oscar-winning actress’ very personal decision, it’s hard not to be familiar with the story. We’ve been reading s...
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Lose Loose Sagging Skin After Pregnancy?
Calling all Moms! If we asked for a show of hands to see how many Moms love their babies but maybe don't love the changes pregnancy made to their bodies, our guess is that almost every Mom’s hand would go up. Some of the most common post-pregnancy complaints we see in...
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Are “Selfies” Causing an Increase in Plastic Surgery?
WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU TOOK A “SELFIE”?How many times did you retake the picture? Was it because of the way your neck looked? Your eyes? Your nose? Your skin? Did you decide to do something about it? Well, you're not alone. According to a new study...
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Is It Safe To Travel After Surgery?
With the holidays quickly approaching, we have had many patients in our Nashville Plastic Surgery practice ask about traveling after surgery. With updated techniques and less invasive surgical options, cosmetic surgery isn't keeping patients as “grounded&rdq...
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10 Things To Know Before A Mommy Makeover
Have you considered having a Mommy Makeover? There are so many things to consider before having any type of surgery, but aesthetic procedures tend to have their own specific considerations. If you need to have your gallbladder out, there is no need to explain to friends or family...
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Can I Breast Feed with Implants?
The quick answer is - yes, probably.While it is impossible to know for sure whether you will be able to breast feed after having breast augmentation, if you are able to feed before surgery you will likely be able to feed after surgery. However, you will breast feed at your...
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