
What Is Hyperpigmentation And How Can I Treat It?

HYPERPIGMENTATIONIt is commonly referred to as dark spots, sun spots, liver spots, or age spots and is the darkening of an area of skin caused by increased melanin. Why does this happen? The process of hyperpigmentation is actually your body trying to protect the skin's DN...

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What is The Recovery Time for A Mommy Makeover?

MOMMY MAKEOVER PATIENTSA Mommy Makeover can be different things to different patients. Typically, a mommy makeover involves a tummy tuck and a breast procedure, such as a lift and/or augmentation. Occasionally, liposuction or fat transfer or facial...

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Is A Breast Lift Necessary?

BREAST LIFTOftentimes, after having babies and/or breast feeding, the breasts can deflate a bit and droop. In order to determine if a lift is needed, a thorough physical exam must be performed.By checking the position of the nipple in relation to the rest of the breast, a board...

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Maintaining Your Makeover

It's probably no surprise that the maintenance of your new body will require continued dedication to a healthy lifestyle. As a mom who has gone through pregnancy and then worked to improve your body after pregnancy, you’re no doubt very familiar with what foods...

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Vote for American Beauty

While today is election day, and we may not all agree who we should vote for to be the next president, I think we can all agree on one vote…to vote for our own beauty. Either way we look at it, a vote to increase our beauty is a vote to increase our happiness. A vote for b...

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Discussing the Operation with Your Children

You've made the decision; you’re going through with your Mommy Makeover! Or at least, you’ve made up your mind - but have you started to talk about the operation with your family? Many of my patients have at least one child and most of the time these...

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Hair + Attractive Spouse = White House: A Historical Perspective and a November Prediction

While we all have our partisan views, as Americans, we all want a president who is confident, competent, and can exhibit true leadership skills. But Americans also have a preoccupation with a soon-to-be spouse's looks and the future president's hair. As we'll look back through ti...

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